Wires(1) are divided into multi-core wires(2) and single-core wires. Single-core wires are stiffer(3) and keep their shape(4) perfectly, multi-core wires are highly flexible(5). A single-core cable is used for laying electrical wiring(6), a copper multi-core wires is used wherever high elasticity(7) of the cable is required. It is easier to solder(8) and has higher conductivity(9) than a single-core cable(10).

The range(11) of multi-core wires is extremely wide, in addition to the diameter of the core(12) and the number of wires in it, these products are classified(13) according to(14) their flexibility(15). There are six classes, the number of wires increases(16) in each next one. It provides(17)  the elasticity of the cable(18). The second class of multi-core wires flexibility contains 6-7 wires per core, in the sixth class this number ranges from 16 to 513. It depends on the cable diameter. The higher the class of flexibility of multi-core wires, the more expensive the production, therefore the cable of 3 and 4 classes is the most popular. It combines an affordable price(19) and excellent performance(20).

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